
Name of the student Thesis title
Dr. Sandhya A study of lifestyle practices and knowledge of risk factors with respect to non communicable diseases among undergraduate students of Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala
Dr. R Azeela Bekkar Oral health status of school children (5-7 years) in fishing communities of Thiruvananthapuram district
Dr. Bindhya Vijayan Work pattern health problems and health seeking behaviour of elderly women coir workers of Alappuzha district – A cross-sectional study
Dr. Krishna S H Socio behavioural determinants of oral health among Attappadi tribes in Palakkad district
Ms. Soji D Jose Quality of life and its determinants among adults with Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Thiruvananthapuram district: A community-based study
Dr. Rinsa Vaheed Human-River interaction and perceived morbidities: A cross-sectional study on River Killi